30 Tips how to Create a unique Travel Journal to Capture your Travel Memories

Hemmo writing on the Azores, San Miguel

1. Buy a book and create a unique cover A journal for your adventures. Even if you like to take notes on your laptop, using pen and paper while on the road will give you a unique experience. Since the beginnings of travel journalism, travelers document their adventures on handwritten pages. Be one of them. Get yourself a nice book with a preferably colorful binding. The first page should include your name, the year of…

The story behind the bracelet

Choeung Ek killing fields Phnom Penh - bracelets

“It changed me so much”, she said while we waited for our dinner served in a cozy tavern in Split. Spontaneously she and me decided to spend the evening together despite meeting just a couple of hours ago in the lounge of a Croatian hostel. “You’re right”, I responded, understanding the core of her words. “Each bracelet contributed to the person I am today”, she concluded. “Let me tell you my story.” Just in time, the…

Lisbonese: A peculiar folk – What we hate and love about the Lisbonese people

Where there is a folk, there are stereotypes or things that characterize the local people in a rather funny, than serious way. When we approach a new culture, we have certain images of how the local people are, influenced by media. Every single nation has its own stereotypes and awkward manners. Stereotypes should be taken with humor! That’s the first rule. This blog post is dedicated to the Lisbonese and stereotypes, that came our way, while…

Pet rescue

Our kitten Lisboa

I heard some meowing early in the morning, but couldn’t see from the window where it was coming from. When the sound kept repeating in the evening, we decided to have a look. There had been some construction going on for a while and since some days a fence was built around the area behind the apartment building. Passing dirty, old clothes, a rotting skull and other trash, we found a little kitten completely alone,…

Working in Lisbon

Sunset at Senhora da Monte Miradouro, Lisbon

Before Lisbon I temporarily stopped traveling and stayed in Czech Republic for some months, hoping to stay for a while. Also, I needed money and was looking for a job once again. It will be so easy to get a job in Prague for an IT person, people said. Dozens of unanswered applications proved otherwise. It was July 2014 when I disappointingly had to return home where I applied for government benefits while I kept…