Article published October 2021 and updated May 2023. Mostar is the home of my family. It’s the home of my ancestors. It’s where my origins are. And yet I am thankful that I was born in Germany because only 2 years later war would strike the country, changing the lives of the people there forever. I was too little to understand what was going on. Probably my biggest luck. This way, I was able to…
Macedonians: A Peculiar Folk – Oddities about Macedonia and its People
Every country has its own customs, manners and people. Sometimes, this may seem odd to outsiders. We mentioned the Lisbonese, the Germans and the Philippines before; and this time, we want to share the things that we thought were peculiar in Macedonia. Great differences in one country In the Balkans, local buses seem to be gifts from other countries. In Herzegovina, buses are a present „from the people of Japan“, in modern-looking city of Skopje, buses are…
Wie es sich anfühlt, ein Teil von Bali’s Verkehrschaos zu sein
Ich laufe eine schier endlose Straße entlang. Laufen und Straße passt hier nicht zusammen ist das Erste, was einem Indonesier oder Indonesien-Experten als Erstes auffallen würde. Auf den hiesigen Straßen hat der fahrende Verkehr die Macht. Scooterfahrer entscheiden über Glück und Leid – Vorzeigefahrer vs. der absolute Verkehrsschreck. Wer laufen will, oder den hiesigen Umständen entsprechend „laufen muss“, (laufen ist hier gleichgesetzt mit keinen Scooter haben und das geht mal gar nicht) der sollte sich in Acht…
Germans: a peculiar folk
Everywhere we go, seeing and meeting new people in a new culture, we notice differences. Every nation has its own stereotypes and awkward manners. After living among the Lisbonese for several months, we stayed in Germany for over a month. This blog post is dedicated to the Germans. We stayed in Germany for over a month but Tina already has been living there her whole life. In this post, we share what we think are…
What happened to our 10 hopes after we hit the road?
We finally arrived in Germany after 9 days of hitting more than 2000 km of road, spending 200 hours under the open sky, going through climate changes from sweating to freezing, from beach towel weather to heavy rainfalls, sharing our stories with 26 drivers and that in four different languages. It was our first hitchhiking experience together on such a long distance from Portugal to Germany. In our journal we kept a record of our…
Hitchhiking – 10 hopes and wishes before we hit the road
It’s been 10 months that we moved to Lisbon to work and travel. We’ve gone through winter, Christmas, spring, Easter, summer and autumn. Winter will begin soon, whereas Portugal has one of the mildest winters compared to the rest of Europe. There are a lot of things we’ll miss for sure. The blue skies and the bright sun sending warmth and happiness so that there’s no way to not wake up. A look out of…