What Bosnia & Herzegovina Is and what It’s Not

Bosnia, Mostar, Neretva

As a daughter of Croat Bosniaks who originate from Mostar, I have a quite special relationship to the country of Bosnia & Herzegovina. Although my parents emigrated only a few years before the evils of war threw the country into deep chaos and destruction, I could witness the development of the country during the aftermath through my yearly visits. Based on these observations, I gathered 10 facts that describe what Bosnia & Herzegovina is and…

Budget Travel Guide to Croatia’s Coast – Least Explored Places in Croatia

Tina somewhere along the Croatian Magistrala

Before you start reading this Budget Travel Guide, ask yourself the following questions: Are you a real traveler? Someone who likes to catch another view of a place than the one seen through the eyes of million whatsoever people? Do you like to combine cultural city trips with relaxing beach time and alternative tours of abandoned or untouched parts? Are you traveling on a budget and would do anything to change your plans or rethink…

Roadtrip door Tsjechië in maart – buiten het seizoen

Loket second viewpoint

Met mooi, zonnig weer en hoge temperaturen, leek het of de zomer in maart al vroeg begonnen was. We wilden daarom een paar dagen vrij nemen van ons werk in Praag, nadat we een lange, bitterkoude winter hadden doorstaan. We besloten een roadtrip te maken. Er zijn veel autoverhuurbedrijven in de stad. Gewoonlijk lopen we gewoon ergens binnen om alles af te handelen met contant geld (op die manier kunnen we makkelijker over de prijs…